| 1.866.937.5542

Register for Online Access

Please enter the following information in order to complete your registration:

Account Information

( Note: Do not include hyphens/dashes. If your General Agency is established as a corporation, use the corporation tax identification number. Always use the tax identification number that we use for your federal tax form 1099. )

( Your email address entered here must match the email address recorded at Lafayette Life. Contact Lafayette Life's Sales Development Center at 1-866-937-5542 for confirmation. )

Security Questions: Choose 3 questions below and enter an answer for each.

Choose User Name and Password

Note: Usernames must be at least 6 characters long.

Note Your password must:

  • Be between 8-64 characters
  • Be different than previous passwords
  • Contain at least one UPPERCASE letter
  • Contain at least one lowercase letter
  • Contain at least one number
  • Contain at least one of the following permitted special characters
  • Special Characters
    !exclamation mark
    "quote (double)
    $dollar sign
    'quote (single)
    (parenthesis (open)
    )parenthesis (close)
    /slash (forward)
    <less than
    >greater than
    ?question mark
    @at sign
    [bracket (open)
    \slash (back)
    ]bracket (close)
    {brace (open)
    |vertical line
    }brace (close)
  • Randomize your sequence of numbers, and special characters as much as possible. The more randomized your password, the stronger it will be.
  • Avoid numeric sequences (e.g., 6789) and single repeating numbers/letters (e.g., 333 or QQQQ).
  • Avoid using your Social Security Number, date of birth, policy/contract numbers, proper names, or any other personal identification numbers or significant dates.